- Wheelchair lifts and ramps
- Wheelchair & occupant restraints
- Steps, swivel seats & grab handles
- Occupant, wheelchair to vehicle hoists
- HMRC VAT zero rate potential
- Bespoke solutions available
- Accredited with manufacturing partners
Auto Campers have a wealth of knowledge gained from previous Motability accreditation including type approval and crash testing with Manchester University.
The Day Van and MRV models utilise an M1 tested aluminium plank section floor structurally bonded to the vehicle floor. This foundation supports the safe transport of wheelchairs and occupants, as well as fold flat seats for able bodied passengers combined with full independent Campervan facilities.
Part or full WAV (wheelchair accessible vehicles) adaptations available from a step and grab handle to rear or underslung passenger lift.
We have also worked with a leading mobility equipment manufacturer to evolve an occupant lift to manage the additional height associated with vans and Campers. The wheelchair user can either transfer outside the vehicle from wheelchair to lowered seat, the seat then lifts, rotates and locks to become a travel seat, alternatively a manual or motorised wheelchair chassis can lock with the travel seat out of the vehicle to avoid transfer.
With so many options available and with each individuals needs being so different, we welcome the opportunity to explore and evaluate the best systems to meet your personal requirements.