What goes up, Must come down!
Parents Sarah & Jonny came to us with one of our biggest mobility challenges to date!
How can Mum, Dad, twins, and their disabled son travel in comfort in an accessible fully functional 5 travel seat, 4 berth compact Camper, and transport a brilliantly designed, British made Tiny Trax child wheelchair www.tinytrax.com/contact-us
At 43kg, A safe and practical solution was needed to lift and rotate the Tiny trax wheelchair designed for kids aged 2 – 10 into the Auto Campers, short wheelbase, pop top, Day van. The solution was a Braun 100kg 4-way removeable carolift wheelchair hoist https://www.braunability.eu.
Although the hoist is easily removeable if required, we configured it to lay flat and against the tailgate to optimise boot space and allow the suspended bed to function. We also configured bespoke lift points on the Tiny trax wheelchair to simply clip & connect with 3 hoist straps.
With every millimetre at a premium, we fabricated bespoke anchor points to bolt both the hoist and a turney orbit 2nd row fold flat seat to the Day vans, 6 rail M1 tested bonded floor system giving options to reconfigure, and to up cycle the equipment into their next Day van with no detriment to the Day van in the future.
Amazingly, the configuration of 2 x removable 3rd row fold flat seats provide safe and comfortable travel for the twins, and provides space in the middle of the Day van for each family member to be within easy reach, plus provides capacity for the family as they grow.
Please look out for our next post on how we Made our Day Van accessible with a Turney seat…