Day Van mobility options evolves!

July 6th, 2023

Inspired my our previous Auto Camper, Day Van, mobility solutions, Peter and his Wife identified the Day Vans modular design as a great solution to support their desire for independent travel.

Similar to the 2022 Day van we built for Rob and his Wife, Peter wanted the same easy tail lift rear access, the convenience of a kitchen module, BS10542 wheelchair and occupant restraints, plus the convenience and privacy of a toilet built for convenience with tuck-a-way platform and fold up support handles.

Our challenge posed by Peter and his wife was to incorporate a day bed for Peter’s Wife, the compromise was the intrusion of the tail lift into the habitation space typically occupied by the bed, the solution was to create new stops for the existing bed crossbeams, reduce and reconfigure the alloy slats and cushions. The result is the convenience of a transverse single day bed, or the option to reconfigure back to our standard full width / length suspended day van at any time if required in the future.

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